The old dude who owned the house before us (from hereafter called "The Old Dude") really did not take care of the place. It may have been no fault of his own, or rather it would be tough to judge him. His wife got parkinsons and she really slammed and bammed the interior of the house with her electric wheels. He put an above ground pool on top of about a foot of sand behind the back deck. So now there is this large white bump in the yard. It is very unsightly. When I get my wheelbarrel, I will show this sand pile something about being ugly in my yard. I will use it to fill in where the nuclear-ripping dogs lived.
The Old Dude's dogs that used to live here with with the atomic bowels really created some hurt in their area. The area was dug out and sunk and water pools up to about 4 inches in a 30 x 10 foot area persisted for days after rain. That smacks of mosquitos and vileness. Or I will say, it did. Last saturday I took my 5 lb digging mattock, my shovel, ax, and wife, and dug a 40 foot trench that bends and twists like a snake caught in time. I chopped through roots the size of a mans leg, discovered loamy soil below, and dug still more. Now, my 2 foot deep trench has provided a place for the water to go and somewhere for Atlas to get stuck in a use his man muscles to heave himself out.
And heave he does.
Next paycheck I will buy some corrogated plastic pipe and pea gravel to lay in this hole and cover it up. No one will be the wiser except me and my blueberries. As it turns out, blueberries like their soil wet and loamy. As every patriot and true believer knows, if there is one benefit of 5 years of constant bombardment by nuclear dog bowels, it's thoroughly loamy soil. I know I would be "loamy". Where the ditch is at is the low point between the slight slope of the yard and a rather steep slope of a hill where the rabbits live. If I plant my blueberries there, they will thrive.
To the left of the ditch is where the garden will be, which brings me to my next topic: how nasty dog buns decimate trees.

Ask anyone and they will tell you that honorable chickens make a farmyard. They peck the bugs and unrully boys, kill snakes and roosters provide daring young boys with stories of courage and valor for years to come.

Lastly, here are two of our rabbits. As rabbits are apt to do, the buck has humbled these does and now in one months time we will have baby rabbits. Some 8 weeks after that, we will have rabbit stew.
We let them run about by day. They are getting full of themselves, believing that they are wild and free. I think free meat tastes better. In the top right corner you can see where the coop is . That is the size of the small animal area.
Our savage dog pack never returned. Perhaps even amatuer dogs know that wild men in underwear huring spears and axes are not to be triffled with. When I put goats in the back, I will find the meanest old hobbit with razor horns to skewer bad dogs and eat their bones. Word will spread all over the county about who protects these rabbits.
save us some stew. rather make some more and bring it in June.
ReplyDeletei will take one broiled goat leg, a pound of feta, a jar of pickled eggs, a dozen fresh eggs, rabbit stew, rabbit skin undies, one deep fried chicken, five blueberry pies, one bacon slab, two cords of wood, and one of the offspring of the nuclear-boweled dogs. Can I get a to-go box?