Lately my friends have declared I have to blog about my experiences in becoming self-sustaining. Why wouldn't I? I guess every time I twiddle my elbows, someone must be told online.
We are moving towards sustainable living. I don't mean some hippy dreck. I think those people who sit around on property while it "goes natural" while pontificating on how their hybrid saves the cookoo clocks need to go back to urbania. What we are faced with here are the modern wildlands of eastern NC. We have vines, unruly thorns, snakes, and lazy neighbors who, while not hippies, assault our community’s value through their ESPN addiction. No more Indians and land pirates to steal our future, unless you count the current national administrators. This is sort of an honor to them, then I guess, that we have taken the steps to become more self-reliant. Any fool can see when a ship in taking on water and he must save his own. Great foolishness brings to pass great failure for persons and nations.
As I was... We have cleared about an acre of thorns and vines and leaves and burned them. The burn fast paces nutrients into the soil. We chopped down some smaller trees to eliminate the crowding and open room for fruit trees. The decaying roots will also return goodness for the useful plants to eat. Soon I will lay grass seed to stop hillside erosion (not caused by me cutting trees, but by the former owner’s nasty dogs killing all plant life with their nuclear dumps).
We have three rabbits now. They will till the soil a bit for us and raise young for our young to eat. And eat they will. Soon we will buy goats and they will wage impartial war on all green things that are not grass, and then give us kid goats and milk for our bellies. Our chickens we will soon get will peck on snakes and bugs and lay us eggs to eat, sell, hatch then eat. All these animals will fertilize.
Our silas and our atlas will learn to work t he land and love it. They will learn to use less wastefully and more as partners with the world around them. And they will learn capitalism, which may be the only thing that can save the world.
I like this. A blog for tracking the Freemens self sufficient progress. I like the neighbors nasty dog bit. Where are you buying a goat from?