We had a visitors last night. It was not the goody goody gumdrop fairy. A pack of at least three nutty dogs banded together with a dark mission to ravage our rabbits. Janet, who is generally a rock sleeper, especially while pregnant woke up last night and said, "Jake! Something is wrong with the rabbits." I thought she had brought the crazy to bed. But then I heard rabbit squeals. I leapt out of bed and, underwear clad, ran out to meet these nasty things.
There were three dogs. One dog, the ringleader no doubt, ran away before I got the door open. I think he knew doom was imminent and like all leaders of secret combinations of evil, he split the moment the ship was sunk. The other two thought they could make off with the goods before I got to them. I picked up a large sapling I had just cut and ran out to javelin a nasty dog, but by the time I got to them, one of these black devils fled through the fence. We have a 6 foot fence. I do not know how he got through, but he did.
So there it was: this last black and white fool dog and me. I knew he was the hired muscle: not much for brains and instantly expendable in the view of his posse. He ran back and hit the fence and ran this way and that, but could not remember the escape plan. These dogs were amateurs.
I hurled my spear but it did not strike true. Suddenly weaponless against my foe, I remembered my ax in a stump nearby. I went and got it and tracked after this cretin for to chop and hurt, but he darted through some bushes and away. I had thought of locking the gate, making the fenced in area a "winner takes all" arena of death, but then gave them a piece of mercy. The coward dog ran for his life, through some bushes, barely escaping.

I have my maverick 88 loaded and waiting. Ambush is killing and killing is fun.
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