Saturday, March 27, 2010

Progress with no money

Physically we have done little on our property because we have been so busy otherwise. We did prime the rest of the chicken coop as shown below, and the babies like to get put up on top so they can stomp around.

This rabbit below that Silas is holding keeps getting beaten up by the other male. He is the one I made retarded. Now the other rabbit picks on him. He got bit up pretty bad and the other male won't let him eat, so we put him in isolation and he is getting better. When he is healed, we will put the aggressive male in isolation and let the retarded rabbit have his way with the females.
Because of my reasoning, I am thinking that reincarnation is true and these female rabbits are the re-embodied souls of Ted Kennedy and Osama Bin Laden. Their choices in life were unfortunate because nothing but punishment awaits them here.

We elected to build a hutch for the rabbits to raise babies in.It is 4x2x1 feet, made into two compartments with a wee baby bay.

We built it all together because Janet designed it but I had to built it. Hugely pregnant women have difficulty with carpentry.

The box is all together and primed (we are saving up for paint). Unfortunatley, round one failed. The momma rabbit got out of the fenced area and dug a hole thatthe dog found and compromised. We moved her and her babies inside and they died in two days. Fail.

7 months! 1 to go!

Silas flowers from our yard.

Last saturday which we spent the day long building things and cleaning the yard, the boys took some time to dance like wild men. These pictures were all taken to the tune of "Maneater" by Nelly Fertado. There was some serious--- possibly criminal--- girating in our house.

After that I dug about a a dozen two foot deep post holes. As it turns out, wet clay is not as fun to dig in as you would think. I have more to dig today. It shall be done.

In the end, all this work is enough to wear a boy out.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

No pictures this time. Just a short note. Got the roof up on the chicken coop, walls up and fully primed. Another $50 and paint and we will be in business.

I added two songs to my play list that seem appropriate to what is going on in the country: The Soviet National Anthem and "Proud to be an American"by Greenwood.

I sigh as I come to realize that what can't be avoided, won't be.