Thursday, March 18, 2010

No pictures this time. Just a short note. Got the roof up on the chicken coop, walls up and fully primed. Another $50 and paint and we will be in business.

I added two songs to my play list that seem appropriate to what is going on in the country: The Soviet National Anthem and "Proud to be an American"by Greenwood.

I sigh as I come to realize that what can't be avoided, won't be.


  1. Please lose the music. You have an interesting blog but it is rude and inconsiderate to suddenly start spouting music on every page, let alone the bandwidth used to stream the music.

  2. Welcome Dale. Feel free to hit mute.

  3. Yea. Hit mute. I happen to like the music. Sometimes I go to Jake's blog just to run through the playlist on here for background music. One more thing: you're rude and inconsiderate for even mentioning such an idea for someone else's blog. Start your own blog with no music, you music hater.
