So as you all know, my constant devotion here has been to get a chicken coop up. Behold, I present progress! I had a fellow who was due to cut me a load of wood for a steal of a price, but as it turns out, his resurces have run dry due to all this rain we have been having. He can't get

into the woods, you see, so he can't get any wood for me. I ricky reconed his place and sure enough, he is out of wood. Not to be outdone by circumstances, I went by Lowes where they will have a junk wood pile from time to time. And by junk wood I mean wood not meat for professionals.

I also discovered I am no Mason. Although impressed with it's architectured tilt to the right, my building as not square. Insomuch as plywood sheets tend to be rectangular, it presented a problem. However, with a little detailed measuring and surgical percision with my hand saw, I did indeed make a seemless roof, which you see below in the white. Keep in mind that that is just for priming sakes. Ultimately it will be a tin roof.

I have got to buy some more exterior primer and prime the rest of the thing. After a put corners on it and make sure it is sealed, I have got to paint it. I am gravitating towards something swedish, ie, red and white, but then again....
I suppose we could paint it totally white, but then I would have to grow a beard and start a cult. Maybe yellow and white. Anyway, I will figure it out.
To at least one of my readers chigrine, we are but a month away from chickens and immediate savings in egg purchases, not to mention chicken. Oh, happy day.
Now about the rabbits. Due to Silas and Atlas being 3.6 and 1.5 years old, they fooled with the baby rabbits and they died. The babies got buried in the straw and mother rabbit failed so save them so they froze and starved. I am sure this mother rabbit would vote for a welfare state. She was always out galivanting with her boyZ and let her babies die. However, she is a prolific breeder so I will keep her for that reason.

This big brown rabbit to the left is pregnant. I have secured a large wooden box that I can keep silas and atlas out of for her to give birth in. I hope she does.
Now for a confessional. I think I knocked one of the rabbits retarded. He got out and I cornered him near a fence but he was too quick. I got a big stick to extend my reach and when the rabbit bolted right, I certianly did extend my reach. It was a good polo shot. Right in the middle of the face and rabbit goes flopping all over the ground screaming. I noted in my log that given the right set up, you can exude that satisfying "crack" from a rabbits head that you always want to hear when you beat a creature over the head. I swear I did not mean to hit him like that.
These days he is not making good decisions. When we go to get him, he will run and hide under a leaf or go into a sideways turned bucket and you just pluck him out. The other male chases him all over. If I could tune into it, I am fairly certain he sits around and says " Huh huu huh huuhuu!" all day. We'll see if he gets some play from the females. He has till May.
I think I will name him POTUS.